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101 Series: How to Find an Interior Designer – Consult with a Vancouver Mortgage Broker

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How to Find an Interior Designer
Vancouver Mortgage BrokerWhether you just bought a home or condo, you might not be satisfied with the look. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a brand new or older property as you want may very well likely want to make your own statement about what your new purchase says about you.
Unfortunately, many people aren’t as artistic as they would like to be when it comes to finding a balance for your décor and the image you wish to project on your home or condo’s interior. You want to do it right because there are a lot of things that you can do really wrong.
If you don’t possess the ability to know what really adds some style and balance to the interior then you might want to get someone who is especially trained in creating the type of vision that would appeal to your particular taste.
The person you would want to hire to help you achieve your objective is a qualified and professional interior designer. These folks are trained on how to use space, lighting and colour coordination to their best effect for each room in the house or condo.
The cost of using the services of a qualified interior designer can be pricy and may range anywhere from $300 to $600 dollars for a consultation. The amount they charge by the hour can be pricey also but the expense can be a worthwhile investment especially if you do it right. The final results can greatly help in the re-sale aspect of your residence down the road.
Here are some tips to help you find and hire the right interior designer.
1. Use a Home Décor Store to Find a Home Designer
Many people have a favourite home design store that uses the services of home designers they may be able to recommend. This is also the place where home designers use themselves so you may simply find a good recommendation from the staff that work in the store and get some business cards so you make some calls.
Many of these larger home designer stores as well as some of the smaller boutique stores actually employ people who are professional accredited interior designers. You may be able to use their services and can even find discounts if you buy from that particular store which can be a real money saver.
2. Use the British Columbia Home Designer Association
You should always ensure that the home designer you want speak with has a membership with the BC Home Designer Association. You can also look up the website for the Interior Designers of Canada and then select B.C. which you will give a broad range of designers that work in your area or region and start there.
You should also visit the website of these designers so you can a better feel about their services, professional credentials, education, and online references that you can call and check for yourself.
3. Speak to People you Know
Your family, friends or co-workers may have used an interior designer and they perhaps can recommend the services of someone they used. You can also learn about problems they encountered and can learn about which designers you might want to avoid. Your realtor or even your mortgage broker might be able to offer some recommendations.
Hiring a Potential Interior Designer
There are some people out there who have hung out their shingle and advertise themselves as an interior designer. They may or may not possess the right expertise for the job so you should always follow through with an interview process and ask the right questions before you consider hiring someone.
You want to ask them about their education, training, credentials, and always ask them for references. You want to make sure they are insured and perhaps even bonded. It’s also a good idea to contact some of their references.
You have to feel comfortable with the person and make certain that you communicate well. You want to know the parameters of their services and spell out clearly what you expect and what you can expect from them.
Finally, you also want to protect yourself by having a contract drawn up which outlines the start and completion date and how the payment schedule is to be worked out.
Using a home designer can be a good investment as you can avoid a lot of design mistakes that novices make. A quality designed interior can also greatly enhance your ability to quickly flip the residence when you put it on the market later on.

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