Home Series: Interior Design Mistakes to Avoid- Consult with Bruce Coleman, Vancouver Mortgage Broker
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Interior Design Mistakes to Avoid
When it comes to designing how you want your home to look, and you plan to live there awhile, you want to give the home a look which reflects your tastes and the style of the home.
However, if you don’t do it right or make some of the following common interior design mistakes, then it just means that you’re going to have re-do it which means additional time and expense.
So, to help you avoid some of the most common interior mistakes, this guide will hopefully help save you some expense and aggravation.
Choosing Paint and Fabrics in the Right Order
One of the most common mistakes is that people go ahead and choose a colour scheme and paint the walls before they go shopping for fabrics. The colour effect of the fabrics and paint often don’t match as well as you like. When considering the interior design of your home, it’s a lot easier to first choose the fabric colour scheme first and then select the colours to paint the walls because fabrics are limited in their colours and hues while paint is much more selective and adaptable.
Don’t Jump too Quickly on Going with White Walls
Most experts suggest you should avoid plain white walls unless it’s suitable for the type of architecture you have. The reason is that white walls often don’t work is because they give the impression that things which are resting against the walls that they are floating.
If you do go with white it is best to ensure that you have a lot of contrast and colour. Interior design experts recommend that a neutral colour or a colour with a mid tone will unify the pieces in a more cohesive effect.
Ask for Help and Opinions
Before you head out shopping, it can be advantageous to seek out the advice or get some critique from style conscious friends or even to seek out the services of a professional interior designer to assist you. Getting a second opinion can help avoid unnecessary expense and help you avoid any potential flaws in your design scheme.
Always Work Out a Budget Design Conception Beforehand
Another huge rookie mistake that many people make is not having a clear cut budget in mind when considering the design scheme of their home. The second is not having a focused idea of what you want to achieve. When it comes to buying your sofas, chairs, wall units etc. you might buy it because it looks great in the store, but that does not mean that it will work in that particular room.
The biggest problem here is that many people do not consider the furnishings relative to the shape and size of the scale of the room which means the furnishings could end being too dominate or disappear, so always consider the size and scale of the furnishings relative to the size and scale of the room because otherwise they simply won’t jibe.
Another thing to consider is to avoid impulse buying because that is another major culprit that can completely offset a room’s design scheme.
Add Some Warmth or Character
Don’t be too rigid in your selection of colour and a furnishing so you end up with a space that appears too cold and lacks personalization. Often, all it takes to make a room more inviting is to add a focal point such as a piece of artwork or an antique or heirloom. And if your room contains something that you don’t like – simply get rid of it. The appearance of the décor of a room can be dramatically changed by doing something as simple as altering the location of the artwork such as at different heights.